Outreach Programs

The team of Needs for Children Foundation in Cameroon departs every month  to the remote villages to give children an unforgettable day. A day that education is given about hygiene, malaria and hiv/aids. This by using posters, drama plays and questions. The level is as basic as possible to keep it accessible for everyone. The program is taking place at the end of the day because then the children are coming back from work.  In this way we try to reach the children who are not able to go to school.

In short: it’s an educational day with time for games and fun. A day where a child can be a child!

Going on outreach gives Needs For Children also the possibility to find children who have a handicap or need medical help. If help cannot be given directly, they will be send to the Ejed Clinic (they work in collaboration with Needs For ChIldren).